SOTA Slovenia awards program regulations

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Pridružen: 19 Maj 2008, 08:08
Kraj: Škofja Loka

SOTA Slovenia awards program regulations

Odgovor Napisal/-a s57xx »


1. The awards are issued by Radio club SOTA Slovenia.

2. Only SOTA summits in Slovenia from 15. 6. 2008 on are valid.

3. The summit validity will be checked in the SOTA database, which can be found on the SOTA program web page ( Only summits verified by SOTA summits regulations are valid.

4. Deleted summits are not considered in the Honor Role (hereinafter referred to as HR) list; however, they are valid for the award request if necessary QSO’s have been made before the summit’s deletion. The HR list can be found on the web pages and The list is updated when necessary or at least four times per year. There are three separate lists: HF, UHF and MIXED. The type of work (CW, SSB, FM RTTY, etc.) is not significant.

5. In order to be placed on the HR list it is not necessary to meet the minimal demands for issue of the diploma. This means that even a station with 15 summits in only one area can be placed on the list. The summit validity for placing on the HR list is determined by the same criterion as for the awards (number of all QSO’s, number of different stations and number of stations in database).

6. The HR list keeps a register of the station’s call sing, the number of working regions and the number of working summits.

7. All award requests and HR list placing requests must be sent to the manager for diplomas containing the prescribed online form available on the web pages and The manager will examine the requests, confirm it or send it back to the applicant for further completion.

8. A fee covering the production and shipment costs is charged for issuing an award. Any surplus is intended for the operation of the RC SOTA Slovenia.

9. If someone merely wishes to appear on the HR list and does not wish to receive the award they must clearly indicate this wish on the request form. The entry on the HR list is free of charge.

10. The awards for summits on HF (160-10 m), UHF (6 m and higher) or MIXED (HF + UHF) are issued separately. When establishing contact the type of work is not significant. Connections via repeater and other active converters are not valid.

11. The awards contain the issue date, whereas the sequence number is not written. For higher degrees “stickers” are added to the award.

12. The applicant must collect all lower awards in order to request a higher degree award. Moreover, a request for multiple degree awards can be filed. The diploma is not necessary for issuing the trophy.

13. The manager can refuse an incomplete request and send it back to the applicant for further completion.


1. The activator from the summit included in the request must establish at least ten (10) QSO’s with at least five (5) different stations (call signs) of which at least four (4) must be verified by the SOTAwatch online database.

2. Activators can gather the required number of QSO’s within one, two or three activations.

3. All QSO’s made by the activator must be registered into the SOTA database on the official worldwide SOTA Association web page.

4. The data, that needs to be provided in the request, is evident from the prescribed form. The manager will return the examined form to the applicant. The supplemented request can also be used for gaining higher degree awards.

5. The manager for diplomas reserves the right to examine the validity of connections in the database on the SOTA program web page and with the stations listed in the activation logs.


1. In order for the recognition of the summit the chaser must establish QSO’s with at least two different stations (possibly even on the same day) or two connections with the same station, however, not in the same calendar day (from 00.00 to 23.59 GMT).

2. All QSO’s established by the chaser must be uploaded into the SOTA database on the official worldwide SOTA Association web page.

3. QSO’s registered by the chaser must be provable via the database of the SOTA program web page.

4. Data needed in the request is evident from the prescribed form. The manager will return the examined form to the applicant. The supplemented request can also be used for gaining higher degree awards.



The diploma is issued for the following number of activated (activators) or operating (chasers) summits and areas in Slovenia:

- General diploma: 20 summits from at least two areas,
- General diploma with the bronze sticker: 40 summits from at least four areas,
- General diploma with the silver sticker: 70 summits from at least six areas,
- General diploma with the gold sticker: 100 summits from at least eight areas.


The trophy is issued for the following number of activated (activators) or operating (chasers) summits from all ten regions in Slovenia:

- General trophy: 150 summits, all ten regions,
- Additional plaques are issued for 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 summits.


General diploma 10 EUR or 14 USD
Sticker 5 EUR ot 7 USD


1. In case of intentional or repetitious violations the award applicant can be excluded from further cooperation with the award program.

2. The manager’s decision regarding the diploma is final.

3. The SOTA Slovenia awards are generally issued at SOTA radio club meetings.

4. The award requests should be sent to the manager for diplomas via email to the address: milan(dot)pivk(at)gmail(dot)com.

5. Financial resources for production costs (and eventual shipment costs) of the awards are sent via mail to the manager’s address: Milan Pivk, Podgora 28, SI-4224 Gorenja vas, Slovenija.

6. In case of any obscurity the applicant can contact the manager for diplomas via email.
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