How to register on

Moderator: s58r

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Prispevkov: 1066
Pridružen: 19 Maj 2008, 08:08
Kraj: Škofja Loka

How to register on

Odgovor Napisal/-a s57xx »

If you want to become forum member, please follow this procedure for registration:

1. Your user name should always be your radio amateur call sign (call sign only, without additional name, or nick name or something else).
2. If you do not have call sign, then your user name must be in format name.surname. After registration send an e-mail to forum administrator (administrator(at) and explain, why you want to join radio amateurs forum.
3. Administrator might request additional information from applicant. If registration would not be approved, administrator will send an e-mail to applicant and explain why he (she) can not become member.
4. Registration requests with different user names than explained in paragraph 1 and 2 will be automatically deleted without any additional warning.
Jure S57XX